Ficus Content Partnership Agreement

Content Partnership Agreement

This Content Partnership Agreement (the “Agreement”) is entered into between the Intended content creator, referred to as “Content Creator,” and FICUS, a streaming platform owned by Ficus Live Limited, a registered

company in Nigeria with Registration number RC 1720029, referred to as the



  1. Agreement Overview

This Agreement outlines the terms and conditions under which the Content

Creator agrees to partner with FICUS for the licensing, distribution, and

monetization of content created by the content creator


  1. Content Licensing and Revenue Sharing


2a. Direct Sales from FICUS Website and Apps

Sharing ratio on moneys generated from streaming 

FICUS: 30%

Content Creator: 70%


2b. Direct Sales from Content Produced by Sister/Partner Studios

Sharing ratio on moneys generated from streaming 

FICUS: 30%

Production Company: 20%

Content Creator: 50%


2c. Exclusion from Social Media Posts

For content not produced by the affiliates of Ficus, We are not entitled to any money generated from the content creators Social Media Accounts


  1. Content Approval

FICUS reserves the right to reject any content that does not meet its quality standards.

and content standards.


  1. Content Hosting Duration

The regular duration for content to remain exclusively hosted by FICUS is 2

years, it could be more, but it’s subject to the type of licensing acquired by FICUS.


  1. Agreement Termination

The Agreement can only be terminated by FICUS, and it is at the discretion of

FICUS to determine the circumstances under which the agreement may be



  1. Requirements for FICUS Filming

Camera Requirements

The primary camera used for filming must have a 4K sensor with a resolution equal

to or greater than 3840 photosites wide. Secondary cameras can be FHD (Full High

Definition), and footage from scenes can be captured in either 4K or FHD

Resolution. Examples of secondary cameras include aerial cameras, crash cameras,

drones, and underwater cameras.


  1. Recording Format for Primary Camera

The primary camera should record in either 8- or 10-bit Log processing, with a

minimum bitrate of 100 Mbps (at 23.98/24 fps) during recording. The recording

format can be either RAW (uncompressed or lightly compressed sensor data) or a

standard format.